Patrica Davis

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Member of CLM Since: 2011

CLM Committees

  • Construction Claims Magazine
  • Construction Claims

CLM Contributions

  • Speaker - 2017 CLM and Business Insurance Construction Conference
  • Speaker - 2018 Annual Conference
  • Speaker - 2018 CLM Construction Conference


    No information available.

Practice Areas

  • Claims Management
  • Construction/Real Estate/Surety
  • Litigation Management


Ms. Davis has in excess of 40 years in the insurance industry in various positions with audit and claim administrative firms, as well as carriers prior to the formation of Empirical Loss Management. She was employed with Midlands Claims Administrators for 14 years, serving as an officer for 12 years, including Executive Vice President and Chief Claims Officer. While at Midlands Claim Administrators, Ms. Davis was responsible for the management of approximately 8,000 open litigated matters with jurisdictions throughout the U.S. with approximately $2.5 Billion in incurred losses.

Currently, Ms. Davis is the Chief Executive Officer of Empirical Loss Management, LLC, a U.S. domiciled entity specializing in Audit, Consultation and Niche, Specialty Claim Administration Services.

Ms. Davis was recognized as an expert in the field of Construction GL, Construction Defect, GL and Litigation Management.   She has handled a variety of claim types, including workers comp, personal accident, copyright infringement, slander, livestock, professional liability and entertainment.  Additionally, she has been involved in multiple mediations and have been instrumental in the settlement of large exposure cases, as well as managing the litigation of several cases which went to jury verdict. 

Ms. Davis has served on the panel at various construction defect seminars speaking on topics including WRAPS, policy wording, reserves, construction/law trends, and complex claim handling.  She has also worked with carriers in helping draft policy language. 


    No information available.


  • Licensed Adjuster: CA, CT, RI, WV, AK, AR, CA, GA, MI, MS, NC, NH, NM, WV, PR, ID, SC, AL, AZ, DE, FL, KY, LA, ME, MN, MT, NV, NY, OK, OR, RI, TX, UT, VT, WA, WY, NH, CT, IN, NC, ID, HI, AK, AL, AR, AZ, CA, CT, DE, FL, GA, HI, ID, KY, LA, ME, MI, MN, MS, MT, NC, NH, NM, NV, NY, OK, OR, RI, SC, TX, UT, VT, WA, WV, WY, HI, WY, WY
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