Below are links to all of the pre-course reading materials. You are expected to read all material before attending the in-class sessions. Some courses have both a required and reference reading list - reference materials are optional.
Use of this course material is strictly limited to students enrolled in the Litigation Management Institute. Any further distribution, copying, or publication of these documents is prohibited.
Course 1: Client Relations, Expectations, and Confidentiality
5 Ways to Manage Expectations
DownloadMy Lawyer is Always Available
DownloadWhat New Attorneys Need to Know About Client Expectations
Course 1 Client Relations, Expectations and Confidentiality
DownloadCourse 2: Coverage Perspectives
Pepper's Example Work Product
DownloadPepper's Example Intentional Act
Duty to Defend 50 State Survey 2023
DownloadDuty to Issues
DownloadCoverage Perspectives Study Guide
DownloadCourse 3: Fundamentals of Risk Transfer
Contractual Liability and the CGL Policy
DownloadRisk Transfer Indemnity and AI
Course 3: Fundamentals of Risk Transfer
DownloadCourse 4: Legal Budgeting and Fee Considerations
Legal Budgeting and Fee Considerations
DownloadCourse 5: Litigation Metrics
The 2023 CLM Litigation Management Study Report of Findings
DownloadThe 2020 CLM Defense Counsel Study Report of Findings
DownloadThe 2019 CLM Litigation Management Study “State of the Union” Report of Findings
DownloadLitigation Metrics Study Guide
DownloadCourse 6: Evaluation and Assessment: Impact Reporting and Reserving
Course 6 Evaluation & Assessment Impact Reporting and Reserving
DownloadCourse 6:Evaluation and Assessment: Impact Reporting and Reserving
DownloadClaim Evaluation: Determining Valuation
DownloadThe 2023 CLM Litigation Management Study Report of Findings
DownloadThe 2020 CLM Defense Counsel Study Report of Findings
DownloadCourse 7: Resolution Options
We’re Not in Kansas Anymore: Pre-Suit Risk Assessments and Exchange of Information in the Pursuit of Highway Justice
Course 7 Resolution Options
DownloadCourse 8: Reserving and Data Management from an Actuarial Perspective
Estimating Unpaid Claims Using Basic Techniques
DownloadEstimating Unpaid Claims Using Basic Techniques
DownloadStudy Guide
DownloadCourse 9:e-Strategies
The Tweet Smell of Success, or a Trip to the Disciplinary Board? Ethical Concerns in the Use of Social Media
DownloadFacing Up to Facebook-Ethical Issues with Lawyers' Use of Social Media
Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn –Oh My!
DownloadLargent v. Reed
DownloadFriends Like These
DownloadWhat is AI and How Can Law Firms Use it?
DownloadPa. Law Firms Crack Down on ChatGPT Use in Light of Privacy Concerns, Hallucinations
DownloadAttys In ChatGPT Fiasco Sanctioned For 'BadFaith' Conduct
DownloadJudge Rips Attys In ChatGPT Debacle: Not Just A'Mistake'
DownloadHarnessing The Power Of AI In The Insurance Sector
DownloadCircuit Splits to Watch in 2023
DownloadChatGPT: Generative AI and Law
DownloadBenefits and use cases of AI in insurance
DownloadBenefits and use cases of AI in insurance
DownloadAttys In ChatGPT Fiasco Sanctioned For 'Bad Faith' Conduct
DownloadAI Tools for Lawyers: Improving Efficiency and Productivity in Law Firms
DownloadStudy Guide
DownloadCourse 10: Practical Aspects of Litigation Management - Strategic Implementation
A Win-Win Strategy
DownloadCutting Through the Clutter of Litigation “Management”
DownloadPartnering with Your Attorneys n Major Lawsuits
DownloadWe Have to Talk
DownloadPractical Aspects of? Litigation Management?