Insurance Industry Primer - MANDATORY
- Speakers:
Robert Bowers, Westfield Insurance
Melissa Hill, Sompo International Insurance
Dennis Jay, Coalition Against Insurance Fraud
Fausto Martin, Fausto J Martin & Co., LLC
Christopher Morrison, Swiss Re
Hedy Linette Ranieri, Berkley Technology Underwriters
Allan Robinson, Ago
Ronna Ruppelt, Freeman Mathis & Gary, LLP
Deborah Saunders, Comcast NBCUniversal
Caryn Siebert, Gallagher Bassett
Claims College presents a unique educational experience created by and for industry professionals. To set the stage for these intensive 3 days of learning, several senior level claims executives will present on 10 important insurance topics for 15 minutes each:
1. Insurance 101
2. Types of P&C Companies
3. Key Ratios
4. Determining Coverage
5. Reserves
6. Stakeholders in the Claim Process
7. Risk Management
8. Fraud
9. Reinsurance
10. Negotiating Settlements
Breakfast and Keynote
We live in a world of accelerating change today. Evidence abounds all around us: take as a single example the shift from paper maps to real-time GPS on your mobile phone that has occurred over the past decade. Insurance is not immune: long resistant to change by design, the recent rise of insurtech holds the promise of a radically different future. While entrepreneurs and technologists are seeking to change insurance from the outside, industry professionals are also seeking to shape the future from within. Come learn from innovation expert and author Rob Galbraith why we are on the cusp of the end of insurance as we know it and how investing in your professional education is the best way to prepare yourself for what’s to come.
Back to topLeadership Style: Identifying and Understanding Different Leadership Styles
The course should identify and present pertinent leadership styles and the characteristics of those styles. The course will briefly discuss theories of leadership, allowing participants to understand their foundational characteristics as leaders. Each participant should understand the qualities and skills of leadership. The course should also review how understanding your style and selective use of other styles helps to be a more effective leader. Differences between leadership and management will be examined.
Back to topHiring and Retaining Top Talent
Course will identify key areas when interviewing and selecting talent (including management vs. individual contributors), including: coachability, attitude, and technical ability. Examine effective retention of top talent, including understanding people’s currency. A good leader must understand what motivates people: money, recognition, input, personal growth. Instructors will give examples of how to identify engagement/retention currency.
Back to topBuilding High Performance Claims Teams
Course will review specific ways to build high performing team. Critical elements include: diverse skill set of members, building team trust, rallying around goals, empowering team members by building accountability, and alignment to goals cascading downward from the top.
Back to topTalent Development: Coaching/Mentoring/Building Teams
Talent development is a critical part of leadership. Investing in your associates’ development and providing effective feedback can be done in a variety of ways, which will be examined. Exemplar development plans will be discussed. Discuss differences between developing high technical talent vs. management track, as well as how to investing in top talent.
Back to topConnecting Dots: Linking Adjusters' Performance to Company Performance and Brand
Course will review that a key leadership quality is the ability to connect actions and results of an employee to how it impacts the success at the enterprise level. Course will contain multiple real life examples regarding service, financial or customer service impact of a project, or other examples, both positive and negative, when team members did and did not understand how what they impacted company results. Create clear understanding of why what Claims associates do matters. Course will discuss brand management and how each associate is representative of the brand.
Back to topLeading Through Change and Adversity
The course will address the skill set needed for a leader who is part of transformational change and the different skills needed when leading through adversity. The focus will be on how strong leadership skills will positively impact the organization or department during both planned or unplanned change, both positive or negative. Planned change can include strategic modifications to objectives and business growth or shrinkage. Unplanned change can include the sudden loss of a key leader or insufficient people or other resources. Through any of the change, the business must evolve and continue forward.
Course Objective:
- Upon the completion of this course, the participants will:
- Identify the purpose of the leader during change
- Learn key leadership skills that are needed during adversity
- Learn key leadership skills that are needed to drive or support transformative change
360 Degree Leader
Course will explore that leadership is not in title or position but how you interact within your organization. This course will review corporate structure both formal and informal and how to be an effective leader in both. Course will also address how a good leader is a bridge between associates and or departments and act as a facilitator for the organization to achieve its goals.
Back to topLeadership: Effectively Influencing Others
Leadership is influence. Leaders should be able to take people where they may not want to go or believe they can go. Course will discuss how to build your influence and tie back to our first course which is Leadership Styles. Course will discuss several elements of influencing people and allow participants to identify which elements they possess and those they can work toward to become more influential. Include open discussion with real stories about how great leaders don’t react—they respond, and how inspiring responses influence and inspire those around them.
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