Reverse Mentoring Workshop (optional)
Join us for this unique session where small groups of less tenured individuals will interact in a guided discussion with someone who has more professional experience. Plan to collectively share about topics ranging from technology adoption to leadership and beyond. We promise it will be both entertaining and enlightening for all participants.
Back to topInsurance Industry Primer - MANDATORY
- Speakers:
Jennifer Burkhart, Westfield Insurance
Jeffrey Chen, EMC Insurance Companies
Elizabeth Dollins, Swiss Re
Dwight Geddes, Metro Claims & Risk Mgmt
Melissa Hill, Sompo International Insurance
Fausto Martin, Fausto J Martin & Co., LLC
Alex Niederman, Amerisure Mutual Insurance Company
Mariela Perez-Pennock, Assurant
Caryn Siebert, Gallagher Bassett
Claims College presents a unique educational experience created by and for industry professionals. To set the stage for these intensive three days of learning, several senior level claims executives will present on 10 important insurance topics for 15 minutes each:
1. Insurance 101
2. Types of P&C Companies
3. Key Ratios
4. Reinsurance
5. Reserves
6. Stakeholders in the Claim Process
7. Risk Management
8. Fraud
9. Determining Coverage
10. Negotiating Settlements
Construction Defect from the Ground Up - Part 1
The course will provide a general overview of how a typical building is built, including sequencing, organization and overlapping of trades. The course will define a list of commonly alleged construction defects, explanations of how these defects occur in the field, who is responsible and how they can be prevented and/or remedied.
Construction Defect from the Ground Up - Part 2
The course will provide a general overview of how a typical building is built, including sequencing, organization and overlapping of trades. The course will define a list of commonly alleged construction defects, explanations of how these defects occur in the field, who is responsible and how they can be prevented and/or remedied.
Construction Contracts for Claims Professionals
This course will provide a general overview of the structure and elements of construction contracts and introduce students to common provisions and their impact upon construction project and the various parties. The course will cover the different forms and types of Owner/Contractor contractual relationships and the benefits and drawbacks of each; we will also review how changes to the project are handled contractually. We will further discuss in detail contract terms critical to risk transfer, specifically those addressing damages, insurance, indemnification, and dispute resolution.
Survey of "Other" Insurance Forms
This Course will focus on providing each claims adjuster and attorney with the tools required to handle, adjust, resolve or decide to try complex construction defect suits. The Course will specifically address such important topics as homeowner causes of action, indemnity, mediation and discovery.
Back to topConstruction Defect Liability Theories and Defenses
This course will provide a general overview of the theories of liability asserted in commercial and residential construction defect actions. The course will specifically address common contractual and tort theories of liability, defenses, and damages. Emphases will be on owner and HOA claims, third-party claims by developers and general contractors, design deficiencies, and defenses.
Back to topAnatomy of a Construction Defect Lawsuit
This course will provide a general overview of Excess & Umbrella policies, the interaction between these policies & primary policies, and the differences in coverage provided by these insurances in Construction losses. We will also introduce students to the rights & obligations of primary carriers to excess carriers and the common tensions created, common provisions and their impact upon construction projects, and the various parties. We will further discuss basic concepts like vertical vs. horizontal exhaustion, dropdown vs. exhaustion and the excess policy providing a defense vs. monitoring counsel.
Survey of Primary and Excess Coverage Forms
This introductory course will educate adjusters on basic coverage principles as applied in the context of construction risk. It is designed to assist claim adjusters at all levels in their application of coverage principles to construction risk fact scenarios
Principles of Coverage Review and Analysis
The course will teach the students how to analyze a claim and determine whether coverage is triggered, and if so, the scope and extent of that coverage.
Back to topSchool of Construction - Level 1 Learning Objectives