Claims Management

Strategies, Solutions, Innovations, Education

HOLD--Cyber Breach and Climate Change Disclosure Requirements Impacting D&Os

Examining disclosure requirements from the SEC, European Union, and state of California

Inside CLM – Work Comp Week Virtual Series Starts Next Week

Register for up to five Workers’ Comp webinars and clock some PDH hours

Employers Must Swiftly Respond to Pregnancy-Accommodation Requests

Third Circuit weighs in on Pregnancy Discrimination Act claim

Inside CLM – Next Topic in State-Specific Education to Begin on July 23

A course in premises liability trends is coming to Florida professionals next week

Inside CLM – Claims College Offering Advanced Education

Complete coursework for a certificate in four Claims College Schools

Reported Cyber Claims on the Rise in 2023

Marsh report shows more companies refused to pay ransom demands

Personal Injury, Wrongful Death Damage Caps Raised

Colorado bill signed; will take effect in 2025

Inside CLM – Send Us Your Focus Conference Proposals

Submit a session proposal for the Dec. 4 capstone event

Nuclear Verdicts Are Getting Worse

Massive verdicts of $100 million or more break record in 2022

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