Fighting the Uphill Battle

Defending a contractor’s never-ending liability

What’s in the Policy?

Deconstructing the CGL policy for construction-defect claims

Transfer Complete

The key to success in construction defect, accident matters lies in the ability to transfer risk

A Flexible Approach

Finding a better way to handle whole-house construction-defect claims under California's SB 800

Ask the Expert: New Administration; New Opportunities

Examining the construction industry during the Biden administration

Foundations: Dealing with Defect

Keith Koeller discusses the historical rise in construction-defect cases and how the insurance industry responded

The Good and the Bad

Wrap policies solved many problems for insurers and construction professionals, but they remain an imperfect solution

Stuck on Stucco Claims

Why is Florida outpacing the nation?

A Breath of Fresh Air

When energy-efficiency standards meet the risk of COVID-19

Building a Stronger Defense

Court decision strengthens application of Washington's construction six-year statute of repose

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