Are municipalities facing new trends for risk and claims?

Berkley Public Entity Managers' Stephen Dzury is one of four CLM members who answered this month's question.

July 28, 2015 Photo

“Absolutely. While some exposures such as employment, excessive force, and civil rights continue to evolve, newer exposures such as substance use, cyber liability, and aging infrastructure are challenging public entities to rethink how they manage risk and address claims.”

1. STEPHEN DZURY, Senior Vice President, Claims, Berkley Public Entity Managers. CLM Fellow since 2008.

“Municipalities are seeing a litigation upswing in many areas, ranging from the highly publicized alleged violation of civil rights by police to financial and physical damages allegedly caused by deteriorating infrastructures. Another surge is expected as municipalities begin utilizing drones.”

2. RICHARD SPIERS, Vice President, Claims, Genesis Management and Insurance Services. CLM Fellow since 2015.

“We are dealing with many issues, including acquiring adequate coverage for cyber exposures, increasing incidents of youths assaulting citizens (young and old), and most recently, a law to openly carry handguns that includes permitting guns in public places, which has caused a lot of concern.”

3. SANDRA BURGESS, Risk Manager, City of Memphis. CLM Fellow since 2007.

“Public entities need to proactively review the risks and exposures they are faced with in cyberspace and put in place a crisis management plan to determine which aspects of cyber risk to accept, avoid, mitigate, or insure against.”

4. JOE DEPAUL, Senior Vice President, FINEX/Cyber Risks, Willis. CLM Fellow since 2007.


18 Million

Number of people affected by a cybersecurity breach at the U.S. Office of Personnel Management.

Source: CNN


Number of states (and D.C.) that have legalized medical marijuana. Four permit recreational use.

Source: National Conference of State Legislatures

$197 Billion

Estimated funds needed to bring public schools up to date structurally.

Source: National Center for Education Statistics


Number of states that allow open carry of handguns without a permit or license.

Source: Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence


Percent of public risk managers confident that protection against cyber threats is sufficient.

Source: American City & County

About The Authors
Bevrlee J. Lips

Bevrlee J. Lips was managing editor of Claims Management magazine (now CLM Magazine) from January 2012 until March 2017.

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