Phil Gusman


photo Phil Gusman is CLM's director of content.

Articles by Phil Gusman

Around the CLM - National May 2017 5/22/2017
The Awards Afterparty 5/19/2017
How will the use of drones improve the insurance claims industry? 5/29/2017
Around the CLM - National June 2017 6/19/2017
What is the claims industry’s best pitch to attract young talent? 6/22/2017
Around the CLM - July 2017 7/17/2017
What’s driving personal auto claims activity? 7/20/2017
National News - August 2017 8/9/2017
Sneak “Peak” 8/10/2017
Wildfire Frenzy 8/19/2017
Harvey's Coverage Issues 9/18/2017
A Foundation of Support 9/22/2017
National News: September 2017 9/14/2017
How to Take a One-Two Punch 10/13/2017
Tech in Comp 10/26/2017
National News: October 2017 10/27/2017
Help Needed! 11/14/2017
Cyber Trends 11/13/2017
National News: November 2017 11/28/2017
Gift-Giving Ideas 12/26/2017
National News: December 2017 12/28/2017
National News: January 2018 1/18/2018
The Winds of Change 1/25/2018
A Look Toward the Horizon 2/9/2018
The Prospect of Opioid Litigation 2/9/2018
National News: February 2018 2/27/2018
Memory Lane 3/23/2018
National News: March 2018 3/28/2018
Overcoming Challenges 4/24/2018
National News: April 2018 4/26/2018
And the Winners Are…. 5/16/2018
Comp Claims 5/18/2018
National News: June 2018 6/8/2018
Here Comes the Hurricanes 6/5/2018
National News: July 2018 7/3/2018
Pressing Problems 7/19/2018
Inside CLM’s Internship Program 8/20/2018
Business Challenges 8/2/2018
National News: August 2018 8/31/2018
National News: September 2018 9/19/2018
Lessons Learned 9/21/2018
CLM National: October 2018 10/26/2018
"How did the industry’s hurricane response differ this year compared to last year?" 10/11/2018
Sharpen Your Skills 10/10/2018
"Are you noticing increased consumer awareness about data privacy?" 11/14/2018
CLM National: November 2018 11/19/2018
CLM National: December 2018 12/6/2018
"What was the biggest development or surprise in 2018?" 12/10/2018
CLM National: January 2019 1/3/2019
"What are you looking forward to most in 2019?" 1/24/2019
CLM National: February 2019 2/6/2019
"What would make you love claims even more?" 2/21/2019
Discovering the Future of Risk 2/8/2019
CLM National: March 2019 3/5/2019
“What are you looking forward to most at this year’s CLM Annual Conference?” 3/12/2019
CLM National: April 2019 4/4/2019
Winners' Circle 4/8/2019
CLM National: May 2019 5/24/2019
Under the Radar Emerging Risks 5/15/2019
Ask the Expert: Trending Away 5/20/2019
CLM National: June 2019 6/27/2019
Winning and Losing With Cyber Risks 6/22/2019
Ask the Expert: Playing Defense on Wildfires 7/16/2019
CLM National: July 2019 7/26/2019
What are the most important keys to a successful mediation? 7/10/2019
CLM National: August 2019 8/28/2019
Under-the-Radar Risks 8/20/2019
Combating Corrosion 9/25/2019
CLM National: September 2019 9/22/2019
Emerging Developments in Claims Resolution 9/9/2019
Focus on: 2019 Construction Conference 10/16/2019
Between the Lines: October 2019 10/22/2019
CLM National: October 2019 10/30/2019
CLM National: November 2019 11/24/2019
Giving Thanks 11/7/2019
CLM National: December 2019 12/10/2019
Cannabis and the Role of Insurance 12/8/2019
The Judges’ Perspective 1/8/2020
A Change in the Political Wind 1/8/2020
Ask the Expert: Where Are the Workers? 1/8/2020
CLM National: January 2020 1/17/2020
Resolutions for Improvement 1/24/2020
CLM National: February 2020 2/6/2020
What should be done to better address flood risk? 2/25/2020
Which insurance lines will be most impacted by the COVID-19? 3/9/2020
CLM National: March 2020 3/20/2020
CLM’s Professionals of the Year Sound Off 4/4/2020
CLM National: April 2020 4/29/2020
CLM National: May 2020 5/27/2020
Insuring and Helping in a Pandemic 5/22/2020
CLM National: June 2020 6/23/2020
COVID-19’s Effect on Commercial Trucking 6/25/2020
CLM's WC/RRH Virtual Conference 7/17/2020
CLM National: July 2020 7/30/2020
Professional Adjustments 8/28/2020
CLM National: August 2020 8/28/2020
Eye on Construction 9/26/2020
CLM National: September 2020 9/25/2020
Scary Claims and Litigation Trends 10/30/2020
CLM National: October 2020 10/26/2020
What are you most thankful for? 11/26/2020
CLM National: November 2020 11/27/2020
Covid-19, Construction, and Claims College 12/23/2020
Biggest Opportunity in 2021? 12/12/2020
CLM National: December 2020 12/13/2020
CLM National: January 2021 1/5/2021
Developing Minds 1/16/2021
Transitioning Workers’ Compensation by Reimagining It 1/27/2021
Tech Expectations 2/8/2021
CLM National: February 2021 2/22/2021
State of Unrest 3/10/2021
Ask the Expert: New Administration; New Opportunities 3/17/2021
Foundations: Dealing with Defect 3/17/2021
CLM National: March 2021 3/30/2021
Diversifying Neutrals 4/14/2021
CLM National: April 2021 4/21/2021
Getting Back to "Normal" 4/21/2021
Surprising Trends in 2021 5/5/2021
CLM National: May 2021 5/7/2021
Lessons From the 2020 Atlantic Hurricane Season 6/1/2021
Ask the Expert: Together Again 6/8/2021
Foundations: The New Generation 6/9/2021
Bad Batteries are Back 6/16/2021
CLM National: June 2021 6/23/2021
Protecting Patrons 6/29/2021
CLM National: July 2021 7/14/2021
Has the Public Perception of Truckers Changed? 7/20/2021
CLM National: August 2021 8/17/2021
Virtual Etiquette 8/24/2021
What is the Biggest Change in Your Approach at Claims College? 8/31/2021
Ask the Expert: Modular Momentum 9/7/2021
As Wildfires Heat Up, Contractors’ Insurance Options Burning Out 9/7/2021
CLM National: September 2021 9/8/2021
What Does Winning the Professional of the Year Award Mean to You? 9/22/2021
CLM National: October 2021 10/13/2021
Recruitment During the Pandemic 10/20/2021
See You in Arbitration 10/27/2021
Acting in Good Faith 11/22/2021
CLM National: November 2021 11/29/2021
Ask the Expert: Construction and the Supply Chain 12/13/2021
CLM National: December 2021 12/15/2021
The Rising Threat of Cyberattacks 12/21/2021
Quenching Your Knowledge Thirst 1/5/2022
CLM National: January 2022 1/19/2022
Mediation and Med Mal 1/19/2022
CLM National: February 2022 2/16/2022
Extending the Ladder Down 3/2/2022
Ask the Expert: Pandemic Trends 3/15/2022
CLM National: March 2022 3/16/2022
CLM National: April 2022 4/20/2022
Cannabis Crossroads 5/4/2022
CLM National: May 2022 5/11/2022
See You in San Diego 6/10/2022
CLM National: June 2022 6/21/2022
The Cost of an Attorney 6/22/2022
CLM National: July 2022 7/13/2022
Casting Anchor 7/20/2022
Paying It Forward 8/2/2022
CLM National: August 2022 8/16/2022
Subrogation Specialists 9/28/2022
CLM National: September 2022 9/20/2022
According to You 10/11/2022
Ask the Expert: Inflation -- A Rising Concern 10/11/2022
CLM National: October 2022 10/19/2022
Beating Bad Faith 10/26/2022
CLM National: November 2022 11/16/2022
Recognizing the Phenomenal 12/7/2022
CLM National: December 2022 12/7/2022
Ask the Expert: Solving the Labor Shortage 12/16/2022
The Key to Professional Liability Claims 12/20/2022
What’s Driving Increased Medical Costs? 1/31/2023
CLM National: February 2023 2/15/2023
CLM National: March 2023 3/21/2023
CLM Says: A Brighter Future 3/24/2023
Ask the Expert: Modular Concerns 3/24/2023
Examining the Judicial Hellholes 3/29/2023
CLM National: April 2023 4/26/2023
All In on Automation 4/26/2023
CLM National: May 2023 5/17/2023
Teaming Up With AI 5/17/2023
CLM Says: How Should Claims Departments View Generative AI? 6/20/2023
Ask the Expert: Manufacturers Beware 6/20/2023
CLM National: June 2023 6/21/2023
AI Role in Claims 6/29/2023
Have Your Say: What Makes the Ideal Modern Claims Professional? 8/3/2023
A Sense of Purpose 8/8/2023
Have Your Say: The Impact of Florida Tort Reform on Construction Claims 8/17/2023
CLM National: August 2023 8/23/2023
The Complexity of Cargo 8/23/2023
Calling All Young Phenoms: Be Recognized! 10/3/2023
Your Take: What Makes a Successful Modern Claims Professional? 9/7/2023
Hurricane Idalia: Damage Estimates, Unique Storms, and Lessons Learned 9/13/2023
Industry Hiring Trends and Evolving Employee Demands 8/17/2023
Nuclear Verdicts®: The Issues, The Solutions, and New Approaches 8/17/2023
Ask the Expert: Maui Wildfires 10/3/2023
Don't Miss Professional Development Day 10/12/2023
4X6: Six Claims Leaders Tackle Four Key Issues 12/19/2023
Ask the Expert: Drones Take Flight 12/19/2023
Turning the Tide on Third-Party Litigation Funding 8/21/2023
A True Champion Rises 3/26/2024
CLM National: March 2024 4/2/2024
Setting a Path to Define Litigation Management 4/10/2024
Fixing the Fractures 1/31/2024
Ask the Expert: Looking Back; Looking Ahead 4/23/2024
Batten Down the Hatches 6/4/2024
The Nuts and Bolts of Your Litigation Management Strategy 6/24/2023
Moving the Needle on Nuclear Verdicts: A Q&A With Bob Tyson 6/24/2023
Nuclear Verdicts Are Getting Worse 6/25/2024
Hurricane Beryl Sets Records; Points to Active Season 7/10/2024